• Image with two scientists in a marina looking at alien invasive species they sampled
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    Work one to one with international experts
  • Quadcopter used for gathering data in the High Arctic.
    blue background
    Excellent technology for excellent research
  • Coastal ecologist sampling seaweed
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    Diverse marine habitats on the doorstep
  • Photo of group of researchers outside a tent in the polar regions, ready to go sampling
    Exciting fieldwork opportunities
  • Researcher in our Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa
    white background
    Outstanding facilities support our research
  • Two female international scientists working on deep-sea ecology inside a laboratory
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    Cultural diversity deepens understanding

Postgraduate studies at Ώ΄Ζ¬ΏρΘΛ

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Ώ΄Ζ¬ΏρΘΛ is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, dedicated to delivering marine science.

Ώ΄Ζ¬ΏρΘΛ, Scottish Marine Institute,
Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA

+44 (0)1631 559000


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